Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Damn the Torpedoes!!!!

Sad news this day. I found out that the only comic book store worth anything in my neck of the woods is closing due to the owner having to move to another city for undisclosed reasons (meaning I wasn't going to be that guy who asked him all the details of his life as if it were my business). This got me to thinking about my own dreams of opening up a store of my own and realizing that I'm never going to be able to do such a thing if I don't make some sacrifices and reign in my spending. So, the wife and I decided that we would sell things off, tighten up the budget, and get out of debt. Trust me, this sounds like no fun whatsoever but let me tell you something: there are things worth sacrificing for, and those things are dreams my friends. Well, there are other things as well, like family, friends, and Papa John's Pizza, but you get my drift.

Thus I've had to prioritize what is really important to me, and I realize more and more that toys bore me. Oh, not every toy out there. But I just can't get giddy over things like the new City Strike Snake-Eyes figure that Justin at is drooling over. I don't know why, but I just don't see what the fuss is about. And while we're talking about it, the DCUC figures seem more like a burden than a collection to me, though I don't really have a lot of them. I much prefer the smaller Infinite Heroes line even if they don't have articulation like their Marvel rivals. They're just fun, and the fact that they don't cost an arm and a leg (except at Wal-Mart for some inexplicable reason) only endears me to them even more. In fact, I just picked up Batman, Nightwing, and Joker yesterday and am very pleased with them. But the DCUC guys...well, at 12-13 bucks a pop, they've gotta go.

That's it, I'm done for the night. Just some random thoughts for you, and no pictures. Why? Because you need to learn how to read without seeing pictures every other paragraph. :-P