Monday, August 24, 2009

Old comics and great videos

I should be in bed right now, but the internet is actually working properly so I figured I'd update my woefully underupdated blog. After all, if there's one thing the 'net needs, it's another blog to be updated!

The comic store that I frequent has been having this truly awesome back issue sale where many of their back issues are 50 cents. Having sold my entire 4000+ comics collection a while back because I needed money (a decision which I regret to this day), this sale warms my heart. Comics fill me with much joy and I find that just being surrounded by them makes me happy. Since one of my dreams is to one day own my own comic store, this could be construed as a good thing. I've probably bought 200 comics during this sale ad will probably continue to buy many more as long as the sale goes on. My problem is that I will read pretty much any and every comic out there, which is how I can accumulate so many.

One of the comics that I have bought a number of in this sale is the old Marvel Two-In-One series which featured the Thing and a special guest star:


I never read this series as it was pretty much over by the time I started reading comics that weren't Spider-Man or G.I. Joe and I never picked up any back issues. I never really liked the Thing as a kid or even as a quasi-adult (read:teenager) so I tended to pass over things (ha! get it?) that included him. Nevertheless, as my mind has widened with age I found myself willing to give this series a chance, and am I gald I did! Great stories, great art, and just plain and simple fun permeate the pages of this series. (For a picture gallery of covers check out and tell them I sent you. You won't get anything special, but hey, at least you can feel important). The series is light-hearted but still has enough character, angst, drama, etc. to make you forget about all of these "adult" themed comics out there that would rather offend and sicken than entertain and remember the days of good stories with solid characters and creators that didn't take themselves too seriously.

Another good thing has come from this comic however, and that is Megaforce:

I never saw this movie nor did I really know it existed until I saw an ad for it in the Marvel Two-In-One comics. This move looks like it sucks, and for all the right reasons. You've got bad special effects, terrible acting, a cheesy soundtrack, and a protagonist who really wants to be Chuck Norris but hasn't realized that no one, not even the Dairy Queen herself, can be that cool. Nevertheless, he tries, and he is part of what makes this move so crappy and oh so great. If only they would still make movies like this today.

Well, that's all for now. I leave you with this sad, shocking, and highly hilarious video:

"I didn't have it locked!"

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