Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nineties comics and Star Wars lusting

I don’t know what to write, but I want to write something. Okay, I actually know a lot of things I could write, but I can’t narrow down one thing from nerdom. I suppose I could do a sort of smorgasbord of nerdy things, but then I might alienate my readers. Oh well, let the alienation begin.
I miss the nineties comics. Yes, they were filled with gimmick covers, big shoulder pads and, dare I say it, the whole Peter Parker/Ben Reilly “clone saga”. But they also didn’t take themselves too seriously, something I feel modern comics do a bit too often. Of course, comics in the nineties had waaaaaaaaaaay too many crossovers, much like they do today, but the difference was that these crossovers were fun. Anyone remember the crossover in the Amazing Spider-Man called Round Robin: The Sidekick’s Revenge? What a great crossover! Oh, and what about all those great Robin miniseries, especially Robin II: The Joker’s Wild? That miniseries pretty much cinched the Joker as my favorite Batman villain.
And then there was Image. Image is about as far from what it was originally as it can get, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Spawn was pretty lame in many respects, as was Youngblood, Cyberforce, Wetworks, Shadowhawk, etc. And those guys wouldn’t keep a deadline if their lives depended on it. But as lame as those series might have been, they showed heart, something which is sorely lacking from comics these days. Don’t get me wrong, I still love and will always cherish comics. Maybe it’s just a sign that I’m getting older and looking back on the nineties nostalgically, remembering something that never really existed, but I miss those silly comics. If only I could go back and reread them…guess it’s time to look in the back issue bin!
On a side note, I really want the new Millennium Falcon. That thing is friggin’ huge and I have no room for it, but what a beast! Oh, and the TRU exclusive B-Wing is on my lust list as well. So, if anyone has any extra cash lying around…
Guess this post wasn’t as eclectic as I originally thought it would be, but that’s okay. What’s your favorite nineties comic?


Anonymous said...

I loved marvel's 2099 line of comics. Spider-Man 2099 is one of my all time favorite comic book characters. I wish they would collect some of those titles into trades.

I also enjoyed the now defunct !mpact comics. I was a big fan of the Shield and The Crusaders.


Han Shot First! said...

Me too! All of the 2099 (with the exception of Ravage once he became "beast Ravage) were excellent, as were the Impact guys!