Thursday, October 30, 2008


So He-Man probably made half of my generation gay. I mean, c'mon, it's a bunch of muscled dudes in loincloths and furry briefs with really weird accessories. If that doesn't scream "gay man's wet dream" I don't know what does. But seriously, while Prince Adam and Co. may have made some of us gay, for most of us they made our childhoods a little less dreary. I mean, who couldn't resist a story about a distant planet where one only had to grab a sword, shout about Greyskull, point the sword at a scared cat, and then have cool armor and a really cool ride to boot?

He-Man had a smattering of toys that, upon further inspection, were kind boring? Whatever adjective I might choose, none could be as bad as the one needed to describe the character of Whiplash. I mean, look at this dude:


He looks lost. Seriously, is this the best Skeletor could come up with? A green kid who badly needs braces and looks like opening an automatic door would give him trouble? But hey, at least he has that spiffy keen spear to fight with, right? It's no wonder old Skelly could never win. With minions like that, he may as well just tape a sign on his chest that says, "Please, beat the cap out of me and leave me broken and bleeding on the ground. Then have your way with Evil-Lynn."

But for every Whiplash out there, you at least had cool creatures like Stinkor:


Who can't love a figure that looks like a skunk and whose plastic smells absolutely awful, even 20+ years later?

Here's some filth for you all, courtesy of Warren Ellis:




Unknown said...

looks like you are on your way to earning money towards the $1000,

Han Shot First! said...

What is this $1,000 you speak of?

Unknown said...

the one you mentioned from the post before this one=)
looks like those ebay listings are getting you some good money =)
that yoda looked cool!

Han Shot First! said...

Ah yes, I had forgotten about that $1,000.
Yoda was pretty cool. The auction ends in like 30 seconds. Here's hoping this isn't gonna turn into a deadbeat bidder.